Here at United Yearbook, we know that many of you are missing out on making some really great memories because of the pandemic (e.g., prom, graduation, etc.). What better way to create those memories than by actually doing them, just in an altered format?

Memories At Home
This will allow you to build new memories, even though they’re not the ones you were expecting to make.
Our first idea is for you to dress up and wear whatever you’d normally wear to prom, whether that’s a dress, a tux, or whatever. Being able to dress up for prom is wonderful – we know it really stinks to not be able to go for real this year, but this is something you can do to feel beautiful on the inside and out. You’ll still be able to have fun experiences with your friends over Facetime; for example, you could have a little dance party or eat dinner over the call. This will allow you to build new memories, even though they’re not the ones you were expecting to make.
Graduation Around The Corner
We know this isn’t the best situation to be in right now, but we’re confident that you guys can make the most of it, and that’s all that matters.

We know that, with graduation right around the corner, a lot of you don’t have your cap and gown. However, if you do, then you can still take graduation photos at home. Be creative! Take the photos in your kitchen, bedroom, backyard, front yard, and anywhere else that meets the quarantine criteria. We know this isn’t the best situation to be in right now, but we’re confident that you guys can make the most of it, and that’s all that matters.
Keep Being Creative
Don’t be afraid to use this idea and have students send in pictures of themselves making new memories.

And yearbook staff, if you’re still working really hard to finish your yearbook, don’t be afraid to use this idea and have students send in pictures of themselves making new memories. For example, you can use this idea to showcase the original prom theme, but with the new pictures that have been sent in. Another idea is to have the seniors send in a selfie for the class photo of 2020. However, if you’ve completed the book, then post this idea onto your social media page and school website, that way you can continue to engage with your students!
This situation is less than ideal, but if 2020 has taught us anything it’s that we can persevere and adapt. So push through! Make new memories with your friends, stay safe, and finish strong!

Alyse Mgrdichian, Senior Editor
Alyse Mgrdichian holds a B.A. from Biola University, having majored in psychology and minored in philosophy. She is a senior editor for TSE Worldwide Press, the parent company of United Yearbook Printing, and she applies her expertise and love of stories to the role.
Anny Reyes, Content Contributor: Marketing Intern at United Yearbook, CA